A Guide to Finding the Right Office Space in İstanbul

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A Guide to Finding the Right Office Space in İstanbul

A Guide to Finding the Right Office Space in İstanbul

Finding the right office space in İstanbul can be a challenging process, but with the right strategies, it is possible to manage this journey efficiently and smoothly. Here are some key factors to consider:

Determining the Right Location

Choosing the right location is crucial for your business. By considering factors such as ease of access for clients, accessibility for your employees, and environmental aspects, you can identify the most suitable location among İstanbul's main submarkets, each offering its own unique advantages. Whether your preference is for bustling business hubs or quieter areas, make sure the chosen location aligns with your business needs and objectives.

Finding the Right Size and Layout

Your office space should be large enough to accommodate your current workforce while being adaptable to your future growth plans. Taking into account the number of employees, meeting rooms, and other essential areas, proper planning is crucial for employee satisfaction and productivity. To create a balanced and efficient work environment, strike the right balance between open office areas, individual workspaces, meeting rooms, and  collaboration areas. This approach will help you harmonize functionality and cost-effectiveness.

Assessing Earthquake Risk and Health & Safety Issues

Given that Istanbul is situated in a high-risk earthquake zone, ensuring that your office building meets the latest earthquake safety standards is of paramount importance. Additionally, health and safety factors such as fire safety, emergency exits, and regular building maintenance must be carefully evaluated. The adequacy of mechanical and electrical systems such as ventilation, air conditioning, and backup power is also critical to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment

Assessing Total Occupancy Cost

When assessing office spaces, you need to consider the total cost, including operational expenses (OpEx) and initial investment costs (CapEx). Operational expenses cover recurring costs such as  rent, service fees and operating expenses  while investment costs include fit out and setup expenses like furniture and equipment. Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of total costs will help you make an informed decision.

Agreeing on the Right Lease Terms

Negotiating lease terms effectively is a critical step in securing your office space for the long term. By thoroughly reviewing factors such as rental rates, lease duration, rent escalation clauses, and renewal options, you can ensure a flexible and sustainable agreement that suits your business needs and accommodates future changes.  Gaining a strong understanding of market data and dynamics will be invaluable in achieving the best possible terms during this process.

Sustainability Considerations

Sustainability is more important than ever in the modern business world. When selecting office space, features such as energy-efficient lighting, water-saving fixtures, and sustainable building materials can support your business goals with an eco-friendly approach. Implementing such sustainable practices not only demonstrates environmental responsibility but also helps reduce operational costs in the long run.

Reach out to us to find the most suitable office space and manage the process together.

At Cushman & Wakefield | TR International, we bring our expertise and experience to guide you through identifying office spaces tailored to your needs.


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